Goodway soot a matic
Goodway soot a matic

goodway soot a matic

Items left on seller's premises after this removal deadline will revert back to possession of the seller, with no refund. Seller is NOT responsible for providing tools or heavy equipment to aid in removal. Buyer is responsible for inspecting the item(s) before placing bids and prompt item removal within ten (10) business days after receipt of invoice. Items are sold as-is, where-is, with no warranty written or implied. Payments must be received within (5) business days from invoice date. Payments are to be made online or to the East Aurora office only. Note: we no longer accept personal and/or company checks. Applicable sales tax(es) will be charged on all items. A 14% non-discounted buyer's premium will be added to the high bid price for payments made with credit cards and debit cards. Please make all payments payable to: Auctions International Inc. For payments made by wire transfer a transaction fee of $15.00 will be added on top of the discounted 10% buyers premium to cover the bank service charge. For payments made with cash, money order, ACH check, guaranteed funds (cashiers check, bank check, certified check) or cash directly deposited into a Key Bank a discounted buyer's premium of 10% will be added to the high bid price. Item(s) sold SUBJECT to seller's approval after bids close. If you are going to have trouble picking your purchased items up by the deadline, call our office immediately! Items left on seller's premises after the designated pickup deadline are subject to re-possession by the seller. Buyer must contact the seller to schedule a removal appointment, before access will be granted to the merchandise. Buyer solely responsible for removal of items from seller's premises within (10) Business Days after bid approval. (Goodway soot-a-matic sam-3 boiler tube vacuum w/cart is the responsibility of Joan Goodman)Ĭontact: (Joan Goodman) (actual email hidden)Ĭontact (Joan Goodman) for more information.This item cannot be shipped. IN A NORMAL (BOILER CLEANING) CIRCUMSTANCE THIS UNIT COULD BE USED ONCE A YEAR! SO, A LOT OF LIFE IS STILL LEFT ON IT! IN A 1994 GOODWAY CATALOGUE, THIS UNIT NEW THEN $890.00! 13 YEARS LATER WHAT DO YOU THINK IT COSTS TODAY!? THIS IS STILL THE CURRENT MODEL, BUT DON'T KNOW THE EXACT AGE. YOUR LOOKING A USED GOODWAY WET OR DRY INDUSTRIAL VACUUM WHICH CAN BE USED WITH A SOOT-A-MATIC BOILER TUBE CLEANING TOOL, OR IT CAN BE USED ON AS A GREAT INDUSTRIAL VACUUM! THIS IS AN INDUSTRIAL VACUUM, WHICH MEANS IT'S INDUSTRIAL GRADE! THIS UNIT IS MADE FOR FINE BOILER SOOT PARTICLES! IT'S WELL BUILT WITH LOSTS OF POWER! IT WAS EVEN DESIGNED TO SUCK FINE SOOT OR COAL PARTICALS. Goodway soot-a-matic sam-3 boiler tube vacuum w/cart > Goodway soot-a-matic sam-3 boiler tube vacuum w/cart


Goodway soot-a-matic sam-3 boiler tube vacuum w/cart Cedar Rapids Free Classifieds and Ads > Industrial Equipment

Goodway soot a matic